SRE OWP New Energy Education Outreach Program
新能源教育是「2050淨零碳排」目標下重要趨勢,然觀察到台灣目前現存的新能源教育資源,對於離岸風電知識著墨較少,市面上的離岸風電相關童書亦較少,為搭起孩子輕鬆學習的橋樑,我們結合風睿能源(SRE)離岸風電開發的專業經驗,由出版社「木馬文化」科普童書編輯團隊實際採訪、收集第一手珍貴的資料,並邀請到新銳怪獸童話作家顏樞撰文、知名插畫師Croter繪製及設計,將台灣第一座離岸風場從無到有的過程化為精彩故事,推出台灣第一本原創風電繪本《全員出動!捕捉風獸因因呼》,把台灣發展離岸風電的相關知識,透過生動有趣的插畫文字,傳遞給下一代。本書在2022年入選為文化部「第 44 屆中小學生讀物選介」優良讀物,獲得官方認證與肯定;同年也入選為「法蘭克福書展台灣館」選書,讓世界看到台灣離岸風電開發的優異成果。
風睿能源以本計畫榮獲國內最具指標性的企業社會責任獎項2022《台灣永續行動獎》「SDG4教育品質-銅獎」,左腦也以本計畫榮獲《動腦雜誌 2022行銷傳播傑出貢獻獎》「年度公益行銷獎-銅獎」。
More Possibilities Created for the OWP Education with Picture Books
New energy education is a key trend under the target of Net-Zero Emissions by 2050. Yet, we found that the new energy education resources available rarely touched upon the knowledge of offshore wind power (OWP) and that the children’s books on the offshore wind power were few. To bridge the children to an easy learning in this regard, the popular science team of ECUS Publishing House collected valuable materials first-hand by conducting interviews with the OWP professionals of Synera Renewable Energy (SRE), who specializes in the OWP development. Also, Yen Shu, the emerging monster fairy tale author, was invited for story composition, and Croter, the renowned illustrator, for illustration and design. Thus, the development of the first offshore wind farm in Taiwan from ground up was turned into a brilliant story, presenting the first original picture book on wind power Out in Full Force! Let’s Catch the Wind Monster Ininhoo. Hence, the knowledge of the OWP development in Taiwan is conveyed to the younger generations via the vivid, interesting illustrations and words. The book was included in the Good Reading in “The 44th Selected Readings for Students at the Primary and Secondary Levels” of the Ministry of Culture as the official recognition and acknowledgement. In the same year, it was included in the book selection by the Taiwan Pavilion at the Frankfurt Book Fair for the world to see the brilliant results of Taiwan in the offshore wind power development.
With the picture book as the point of departure, we keep expanding our influence and depth of education through a series of charity book donation, story activities, themed exhibition tours, and other programs. In 2021, we organized an interactive story-telling activity with the picture book at the schools nearby the offshore wind farm in Miaoli. Books were donated to all the public elementary schools in Miaoli as well. Going into the local communities with our picture books, we offered the school children in Miaoli the chance to fully appreciate the theory of offshore wind power. In 2022, we actively integrated with external resources, working with the National Taiwan Library to convert the picture book into an “accessible e-book.” Furthermore, we reached out to the libraries of cities and counties in Taiwan for charity book donation projects. Meanwhile, we embarked on a popular science themed exhibition tour “Out in Full Force! Let’s Catch the Wind Monster Ininhoo,” turning the fascinating story into a 3D exhibition. With that, we went into spaces in libraries to engage in-depth interactions with friends young and old.
With this program, SRE was awarded with the “SDG4 Quality Education – Bronze Award” of the 2022 Asia-Pacific Sustainability Action Awards, the most iconic CSR Award in Taiwan; Left Brain was awarded with the “Best Public Interest of the Year – Bronze Award” from Excellence Agency & Advertiser of the Year organized by Brain Magazine as well.