

From Taipei to Taichung







榮獲2020日本Good Design best100,為臺灣眾多藝術季中首獲得此殊榮的品牌。



2019 Romantic Route 3

From Taipei to Taichung

A cultural and art exhibition that connects 10 villages and towns across 150 km


What pops up in your mind when it comes to Hakka?


The Romantic Route 3 is the first art festival in Taiwan with the Hakka culture and life at the core. Curated by LeftBrain with the concerted effort of the central and local governments as well as the private sector, the Hakka community, the second largest population in Taiwan, will be introduced into the language used in the everyday life via the intervention and cultivation of art and innovative displays in diversity. People are guided to and see the beauties along the Provincial Highway 3 in variety.


Furthermore, it has been honored by Japan’s Good Design 2020, which makes it the very first brand in the arts festivals in Taiwan with such honor.