
1600貓熊世界之旅 保育藝術展





引進世界自然基金會(WWF)與藝術家Paulo Grangeon合作發起的國際大型公共藝術,結合城市行銷與動物保育議題,帶著1600隻貓熊與10隻本土瀕危動物巡迴全臺地標與40所偏鄉小學,吸引350萬人觀展,更登上美國times雜誌。展後透過企業及大眾認購,將展品義賣所得全數捐予NGO團體,支持臺灣在地保育工作。

1600 Pandas World Tour



An innovative art exhibition that brings out the issue of endangered species in Taiwan through pandas


The large-scale collaborative public art project between the World Wildlife Fund (WWF) and Paulo Grangeon was introduced. With city marketing and wildlife conservation combined, the exhibition toured the landmarks and 40 elementary schools in rural areas around Taiwan with the papier mâché of 1600 pandas and 10 local endangered species. Drawing 3.5 million visitors, it even made it on Time Magazine. Through corporate and public sponsorship, all the proceeds from the sales of exhibits were donated to NGOs in support of the local conservation efforts in Taiwan.