

Wanhua District, Taipei



在2022臺北文學季文學特展「文學療癒場 來一場精神洗澡」裡,我們蒐集了49位作家的日常儀式,呼應「精神洗澡」的概念,運用浴池元素,將展場打造成文學澡堂,並分成五種不同主題的浴場:整理、聲香、美味、漫步、書寫浴場,除了窺探作家的各種儀式,更希望透過不同的感官體驗,讓你感受,儀式如何透過身體帶動內在的掌握。



Taipei Literature Festival

Wanhua District, Taipei


What Ritual Do You Practice for Your Spiritual Bath?


Here at the Literary Bathhouse, we collected the everyday rituals of 49 writers. In line with the concept of “spiritual bath,” the element of bath is employed to turn the exhibition venue into a literary bathhouse that fall into five baths of different themes: Tidy Bath, Sound/Scent Bath, Delicacy Bath, Saunter Bath, and Writing Bath. Aside from a glimpse of writers’ rituals, it aims to bathe you in different sensory experiences to observe how rituals facilitate inner controls through physical practices.


|Client: Wenhsun