#Public Communication











Veterans Issues: VNDF Outreach Effort



Veterans are more than grandpas! Break the stereotype against veterans


When it comes to veterans, the most common impression we have are grandpas from the Mainland China with accents of their hometowns. Yet, as time went by, the composition of veterans changed significantly as well. In addition to the grandpas, there are more retired military veterans in their prime.


We work with Taiwan Bar to produce the video Veterans are Not just Grandpas, sharing with people veterans’ contributions to the country through the lively, humorous animation. In collaboration with the team of ECUS Publishing House, we published Taiwan’s first picture book about soldiers for children. In addition, veterans are invited as storytelling ambassadors to tour the elementary schools around Taiwan for promotion, guiding children to learn about soldiers that protect their homes and country.


|Client: Veterans and Dependents Foundation