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Whyschool X 雜學校

Whyschool × ZA SHARE


Whyschool X 雜學校

Whyschool × ZA SHARE


我們發起一個休學一年的Gap Year實習計畫,提供工作機會,讓想要暫離校園的年輕朋友體驗職場生活。



Be someone you like and are happy with.

We launched Gap Year Internship Project, offering jobs for the youth who want to take a 1-year break from the school and have a taste of what it feels like at work.

Flipping the previous thinking of a short internship during the summer/winter vacation, we want to create a path deviated from the school or the “right track” in life. On the journey of self-discovery, we offer youth a “choice” outside the box.

In this naughty adventure, we shall practice making choices for ourselves today for a more loveable us tomorrow.
