- Curating
- Branding
- Public Communication
- 繁:文字香氛品牌
- Issue左腦社會議題研究室
SRE Brand Promotion Program
SRE Brand Promotion Program
風睿能源在苗栗竹南外海,偕同國際團隊完成台灣首座商業運轉的「海洋風電」(Formosa 1),22組風機也成為沿海風光的浪漫場景、在地生活的一部分。左腦以海岸的風機及唯美夕陽為背景搭起浪漫布幕,在苗栗龍鳳漁港打造「風睿能源(SRE)吹吹風電影院」,有慵懶的躺椅,還有餐車市集、街頭藝人演出,讓大家可以藉由親身體驗苗栗漁港以及海岸線之美,與走進地方的新能源產業,更有連結。
一年一度的台灣國際智慧能源週,我們在2021-2022年以「吹台灣的風 迎世界的浪」為主題,進駐展場,不僅展示企業推動離岸風電的實績、環境教育及在地紮根實踐的成果,也透過離岸風電導覽與職涯探索活動,帶領青年認識產業,為潔淨能源育才盡一份力。
為落實品牌節能減碳精神,展場特別揚棄傳統木作工法,大量減少耗材與廢棄物,2021年我們以鋁製結構及穿透性材質,落實「輕、亮、減」實踐綠能美學,成為展場最受人注目的焦點。2022年,更於會場開起風格酒吧「SRE Wind Bar」,以寬幅LED螢幕呈現離岸風場實景,配合海風、自然音效與具備科技感的視覺元素,搭配活動主題調飲,打造出沉浸式空間氛圍。落實永續與減碳理念的展場設計,更榮獲「台灣國際智慧能源週」首屆永續獎首獎的殊榮。
The operation of offshore turbines navigates the energy sector in Taiwan into a new era. As a pioneer for the offshore wind power development in Taiwan, Swancor Renewable Energy (SRE) treats how the local community and the offshore wind power thrive together and benefit each other, so that people can place better trust in the new energy and march onward hand in hand toward the SDGs, as a crucial topic. Also, how to establish a decent brand image in an industry of fierce competition poses yet another challenge.
Co-prosperity with Local Community: An Ocean of Romance for You
Together with an international team, SRE set up Formosa 1, the first wind farm that achieved commercial operation in Taiwan. The 22 wind turbines also made up a romantic landscape along the coast as part of the local life. LeftBrain utilized the wind turbines along the coast and the gorgeous sunset as a backdrop, setting up a romantic screen at the Longfeng Fishing Port in Miaoli to give birth to the “Sea Breeze Theater.” With cozy chairs, a mobile diners fair, and street artists performances combined, people can experience in person the beauty of the Fishing Port and the coastline in Miaoli, connecting better with the new energy industry in the local community.
Green Energy Practices: the Greenest Booth to Showcase the Fruitful Results in Energy
On the annual event of Energy Taiwan, themed with “Catch the Wind from Taiwan. Surf the Waves toward the Globe” in 2021-2022, we set up a booth in the venue to showcase SRE’s accomplishments in promoting offshore wind power, their results in environmental education, and their grassroot practices in the local community. Also, through the introduction to the offshore wind farms and the career exploration activity, it guided the youth to learn about the industry and contributed to talent incubation for clean energy.
To live up to the spirit of energy efficiency and carbon reduction of the brand, we discarded the conventional woodwork booth setup, significantly reducing the consumables and wastes. In 2021, using aluminum structures and penetrable materials, we realized the ideas of “light, bright, and minimal” to put the green energy aesthetics into practice, which became the most eye-catching hotspot in the exhibition. In 2022, we even opened the “SRE Wind Bar” on the spot, screening the live scenes of offshore wind farm on widescreen LED displays. With sea breeze, natural sound effects, and visual elements rich in the futuristic sense, along with the themed cocktails, we fostered an immersive vibe. Hence, with the booth design that realized the ideas of sustainability and carbon reduction, we were further recognized by the top prize of the Energy Taiwan Sustainability Award.