- Curating
- Branding
- Public Communication
- 繁:文字香氛品牌
- Issue左腦社會議題研究室
Romantic Route 3
Romantic Route 3
這是台灣第一次以客家文化及生活作為經緯,由左腦創意擔任總策展,與中央、地方政府及民間單位攜手合作,讓台灣第二大族群的客家庄,藉由藝術介入與催化,多元創新的展演,走進常民生活的溝通語彙,將民眾帶進臺三線上,也讓臺三線上的種種美好,被大家看見。更榮獲2020日本Good Design 年度百大設計獎,為臺灣眾多藝術季中,首獲得此殊榮的品牌。
A cultural and art exhibition that connects 10 villages and towns across 150 km.
What pops up in your mind when it comes to Hakka?
The Romantic Route 3 is a Renaissance movement for the Hakka culture in the name of art. Through a mindset for curating and branding, it speaks in a new language in an attempt to break free from the sense of distance and traditional stereotypes from the general public toward “the Hakka culture”.
It is the first event in Taiwan with the Hakka culture and life at the core. Curated by LeftBrain with the concerted effort of the central and local governments as well as the private sector, the Hakka community, the second largest population in Taiwan, will be introduced into the language used in the everyday life via the intervention and cultivation of art and innovative displays in diversity. People are guided to and see the beauties along the Provincial Highway 3 in variety.
Furthermore, it has been honored by Japan’s Good Design 2020, which makes it the very first brand in the arts festivals in Taiwan with such honor.