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No More Standardized Park Initiative



No More Standardized Park Initiative



由台北市文化局委託,左腦策劃,邀請三明治工、Plan b、彡苗3組創新設計團隊,攜手改造臺北市朝陽、景化與樹德3座小型鄰里公園,除了改變公園遊具的硬體面貌,使其更加創新互動,也讓孩子的童年,能在多樣化的空間與體驗中,留下快樂的印記。


More diversified imagination for playgrounds in the parks

Let’s phase out the parks of standardized playground facility and give wings of imagination to the parks.

Commissioned by the Department of Cultural Affairs, Taipei City and planned by LeftBrain, design teams Sandwishes Studio, Plan b, and seed spacelab were invited to renovate 3 small community parks in the neighborhoods of Zhaoyang, Jinhua, and Shude respectively. Apart from the hardware aspect of a park like changing the playground equipment into something more innovative and interactive, they also transformed the childhood of the kids in the neighborhoods for them to leave their marks of happiness in a space and experience of diversity. 

In the design phase, multiple talks with civil societies, the community residents, and parents were organized. Also, game workshops were thrown for kids with/without disabilities. Local features and user needs were incorporated in the dialogues. Finally, we put the thinking of “inclusion” at the core of design for all parks.
