- Curating
- Branding
- Public Communication
- 繁:文字香氛品牌
- Issue左腦社會議題研究室
Matsu Biennial
Matsu Biennial
識別系統/主視覺設計:IF OFFICE 馮宇
The 1st Art Experience with Matsu Islands away from Taiwan
Matsu is more than the Blue Tears, aged spirits, and military forts.
Matsu, the islands we all heard about yet never roamed about on, seeks to channel the islandic energy internally and present a new brand image externally for itself via art and culture in a decade, unveiling to the public the new imageries of the Matsu Islands. The first edition of Matsu Biennial was co-curated by the Lienchiang County Government and the General Association of Chinese Culture. Through 8 projects, 41 interdisciplinary teams were invited to collaborate and create with the local communities, presenting 39 artworks and 3 spatial curatorial works for the 4 villages and 5 islands.
As the marketing coordinator, we laid out the overall visual imagery of Matsu Biennial through the identity system design, key visual design, and the official website. Also, the information of art and stories of the islands were orchestrated via the designs of brochure, passport, and Matsu Biennial Special Issue for visitors’ reference as they stepped on the islands. In addition, aside from the external communication through various media channels and inviting ambassadors of 11 countries to pay a visit, the official social media platforms (Facebook/Instagram) established from scratch also amassed 12,000 fans in a short period of time with over 2.6 million exposures of posts, bringing in an influx of over 30,000 visitors to the Biennial during the off-season of Matsu traditionally.
We brewed the everyday living scenes of Matsu into islandic features and wonders for all to savor the islandic charm beyond scenery that deeply touches one’s soul.